Well, we finally made it to the year 2012. Sunspots are on the increase as are the band conditions. This is set to be an awesome year and I am really looking forward to it.
As you may or may not know, I do not make New Year Resolutions, opting instead to set goals. While you may think they are the same, I see them as somehow different. These are just my ham radio goals (the rest are featured on my other blog).
Reviewing the goals I set last year:
- Obtain my Extra License - my biggest and most important goal;
- Assemble my home shack - mobile is great, but being out of the elements is better;
- Get involved in more contests; and
- Earn my WAS (Worked All States).
Above all else, I plan on having a lot of fun with this hobby.
I did all except for earning my WAS, so that goes to the top of the new list, but what else...
OK, I am back. I have thought it out and here we go with the list for 2012.
- Earn my WAS (Worked All States)
- QSL 100% - I have some generic cards that I designed rather quickly on the computer and have been using.
- Catch up on the backlog of QSL cards to send out.
- Get caught up on LoTW.
- More contesting.
- Make my 500th and 1000th QSO.
- Get digital running in my home shack.
- Spend at least an hour each day on the air.
- Elmer at least one person.
- As the club secretary for our local club, I need to get the minutes from the meetings posted online within 24 hours.
In addition to my goals, I have something else that has entered into the ham radio picture. I have been asked to take over as the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) Emergency Coordinator for Dubuque County, Iowa.
I am looking forward to 2012 and hope that everyone else is. This is going to be an exciting year.
So, time is wasting here. I hope each and every one of you has all the best in 2012 and I hope to work you all on the bands.